
6 ways to network on LinkedIn

January 3, 2013
What’s the best way to get a job right now? Networking. What’s the best way to network? According to many experts, via The online service offers innovative ways to interact professionally with colleagues and build your web of contacts and connections. Here are six ways LinkedIn can advance your career.

Finally, I’m on LinkedIn. So, now what?

January 2, 2013
If you join online networks like Facebook or LinkedIn, make it worth the effort. Follow these tips to get the most out of online networking.

How to lead by getting out of the way

January 2, 2013

Even though Brad Smith, CEO of Intuit, oversees a workforce of about 8,000 people, he spurs innovation by getting out of the way. Rather than micromanage, he prods employees to think like entrepreneurs launching a business.

You have 30 seconds to impress me

December 27, 2012

When addressing senior executives, every minute counts. Make your point succinctly—without tangents or long stories—and end decisively. Consider these structural frameworks when organizing your material:

Know your selling point and stick to it

December 21, 2012

To win over others, it’s tempting to recite every possible reason why they should accept your proposal. Psychologists call this the Presenter’s Paradox: We assume that more is better when we try to convince others when, in fact, limiting our pitch to only the most appealing reasons works better.

4 questions you need to ask your team

December 12, 2012
Intelligent leaders don’t know everything. But they’re smart enough to ask the right questions. Posing sharp inquiries elevates your team’s thinking. Here are four simple ones that effective leaders ask their colleagues.

10 best ways to build trust among your employees

December 12, 2012
Surveys consistently show that lack of trust in management is one of the main reasons employees disengage from their work and seek jobs elsewhere. Here are 10 ways managers can work to earn trust from their employees.

Do you listen … or wait to talk?

December 11, 2012

Most leaders acknowledge the importance of listening. But few know how to do it well. Listening raptly requires more than keeping quiet and maintaining eye contact with the speaker. You need to signal that you’re intent on understanding what you hear—and retaining it.

Capitalize on your staff’s best skills

December 6, 2012
Because unemployment figures remain high, many employees stay put even if they dislike their jobs. If you manage people who seem detached, take these steps to en­­gage employees so they don’t sit and stew:

Cut to the bottom line: 3 tips

December 4, 2012
To engage in effective coaching, you need to uncover the core issue to address. Otherwise, you’ll advise em­­ployees on extraneous matters while the most pressing issue gets ignored.